Title: Blind. Camera: Yashica Mat 124g Film: Lomography Red Scale
Title: Blind. Camera: Yashica Mat 124g Film: Lomography Red Scale
Title: Bleed Purple. Camera: Yashica Mat 124g Film: Ektachrome
Title: Bleed Purple. Camera: Yashica Mat 124g Film: Ektachrome
Title: Different Age. Camera: Yashica Mat 124g Film: Kodak Tri-X
Title: Different Age. Camera: Yashica Mat 124g Film: Kodak Tri-X
Title: "I said I love the Smiths-1" Yashica Mat 124g Film: Cinestillfilm 50D
Title: "I said I love the Smiths-1" Yashica Mat 124g Film: Cinestillfilm 50D
Title: "I said I love the Smiths-2": Yashica Mat 124g Film: Cinestillfilm 50D
Title: "I said I love the Smiths-2": Yashica Mat 124g Film: Cinestillfilm 50D
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